Endless Path Zendo | Roshi Rafe Martin

The Buddha's Parinirvana (death) and Us

February 17, 2024

Recorded on Saturday, February 17, 2024.

The traditionally recognized date of the Buddha's Parinirvana is February 16, which is the date of his complete entrance into nirvana, his death that is understood as a great fulfillment and completion of his life and his vow.

Roshi Rafe Jnan Martin details and explores the meaning of this event to the historical Buddha as well as to our own lives, underscoring the opportunity inherent in committing to the Bodhisattva Vow and the practice of zazen.

                      I saw in Yoshino's billows of blossoms
                     that long ago time of great passing
                     when the sala trees surrounding him
                     had turned as white as cranes.
                                                        - Saigyo (1118 – March 23, 1190)


Photography: Parinirvana altar, Rafe Martin.