Endless Path Zendo | Roshi Rafe Martin

Interview with Rafe Martin, courtesy of Simplicity Zen

We’re happy to add this excellent interview with Roshi Rafe Martin to our podcast series. The interview was conducted by Berry Crawford of “Simplicity Zen” on January 27, 2023. While informal and enjoyable it is also informative, focusing on the essence of Roshi Martin’s teaching as well as his background as a lay Zen practitioner, and his emphasis, as a teacher, on the importance of lay practice. If you’re interested in getting a sense of what Rafe is about, this interview ill give you a good sense of his approach to teaching, practice, and realization, as well as his dual inheritance in both Kapleau and Diamond Sangha (Robert Aitken Roshi) lineages. (Note: This interview is also available as a video on the Home Page [“About Us”] of the Endless Path Zendo Website.)

With thanks to Berry Crawford! - Learn more at SimplicityZen.com.